On Thursday, Sept. 28, the latest Club Awareness Day showcased dozens of old and new student clubs, drawing hundreds of SMC students to the main campus quad. Club members set up tables and festivities along the palm trees as they promoted their groups. The diverse collection of club booths each had their own distinct and unique appearance, bringing a visual variety to spectators. The event even included a large dance party in the middle of the quad with a live DJ.

A new SMC chapter of the politically-charged Turning Point USA immediately grabbed students' attention, as many spectators found themselves debating the club member's political beliefs. Liberty Fuchs, the co-president for the club, gave a description of the club's mission statement. “The motive of our club is to provide an alternative message," Fuchs said. "We feel that on most college campuses, there is only one kind of ideology, and we want to provide another perspective."

Fuchs also noted that while Turning Point does receive some funding from the Associated Students, they prefer not use it because their club stands against government funding. The club intends to receive donations from organizations that would contribute to the club instead.

One of the tables showcased numerous amounts of exotic taxidermy animals, courtesy of the Natural History Club. Co-president Sepanta Jozani, an Evolution Ecology major, told us “You can really use this club to build your skills, so it helps a lot and the opportunities that come with it."

According to Jozani, his club's target audience are students who are interested in fields such as zoology or natural history. Natural History Club members frequently go field trips, including but not limited to: whale watching, or anything else that they are interested in studying. Finally, Jozani also mentioned that the club uses a lot of their funding to bring in guest speakers to teach students on ways they can also study the living world.

Another club booth that caught a lot of attention, with it's loud music, maracas, and colorful flags, was the Scandinavian Club. The communications director of the club, Lucia Vallejo, talked a lot about what got him involved, what it partakes and the club's overall goal. “What personally got me involved with the club was the curiosity for wondering what the culture is all about," Vallejo said. "I have met some amazing people, and it has been a great experience.”

Vallejo also said that the Scandinavian Club has many fun activities planned, such as the Solvang Julefest, an event at the former Danish settlement of Solvang, California this December. They also are hosting Kubb Social, a Scandinavian game played with two separate groups.

"We want an imprint of the culture here at SMC, because so many of Scandinavian people are coming over from the country and making this place their home," Vallejo said. "So, we want to make it a legacy to stay here and to open new perspectives amongst the students.”

This year's clubs for all different types of students to partake in. This fall, SMC cheerleaders have formed their own club, shifting directions from past semesters. Rather than an official team, a club allows any SMC student to join, without having to try out.

Whether they want to learn about a different culture, get more involved with their major, or meet new people and make friends, students who attended this semester's Club Awareness Day had a wide range of clubs to choose from.


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