Stan Lee Passes Away at Age 95

On December 28, 1922, a man was born that would change the world forever. Celia Lieber gave birth to Stanley Martin Lieber in New York City, although that name may not sound too familiar to you, the name Stan Lee probably does. Stan is the face and name of Marvel Comics, co-creator of the world’s most well known superheroes and super-villains such as: Spiderman, Hulk, Doctor Strange, Fantastic Four, Daredevil, Black Panther, and the X-Men to name a few. Stan also went on to co-write along side his brother, Larry Lieber creating Ant-Man, Iron Man, and Thor.

Illustration of Stan Lee as one of his character, Spider Man by Jorge Marrero ( American Goth Press and Famous Monsters of Filmland ) for The Corsair

Illustration of Stan Lee as one of his character, Spider Man by Jorge Marrero ( American Goth Press and Famous Monsters of Filmland ) for The Corsair

Stan was 17 years old at the start of World War II, his career began by filling artists’ inkwells at Timely Comics. It wasn't until the 1960's when Timely Comics changed its name to Marvel Comics that Stan's career took flight. Stan's debut was a text filler for “Captain America Foils the Traitors Revenge” in May of 1941, this was the beginning of something special; a legacy that will never be forgotten. Stan not only created superheroes: in many eyes he was one. Through his characters he gave endless kids and adults hope. I can recall being in elementary school watching kids run around the jungle gym pretending to be Spider-Man. He gave adults and children alike the ability to escape reality and created a world filled with adventure and heroism.

Unfortunately Stan was taken from us on November 12, 2018, due to pneumonia. He was 95 years old, just over a month away from his 96th birthday. Stan allowed our imaginations to roam freely making the impossible seem possible. For this, we thank you Stan. Thank you for the laughs, the comics, the unforgettable cameo rolls, and for giving us the ability to imagine the unimaginable. You will never be forgotten. 


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