The Importance Of Seeking Academic Help
Illustration by Janet Ali.
During the week before the semester begins, you promised yourself that this school year will be better than the last one. You vowed that you were going to sleep earlier, eat healthier, and study harder. Now, 12 weeks have passed into the semester and you’re in distress because your grades are suffering.
Does this scenario sound familiar? Well, if it does, then that means you’re a student who didn’t know when to ask for academic help. Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Many college students, including myself, have been in this situation before.
In the past, I was a student who never knew when to ask for help when I faced trouble in the classroom. When I finally decided that it was time for me to ask for help, it was too late because the semester was practically over. One of the main reasons why I was so reluctant to seek help from an academic professional was because I feared being judged; I felt that if I asked for help, people would think that I was an idiot because I didn’t understand the material. For years that fear prevented me from truly reaching my fullest potential to be a great student.
During that time, I didn’t know the importance of seeking help early on in the semester. I didn’t even take school seriously. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have struggled as much during my early years in college. Asking for help early on in the semester can be a life saver, because it can save students the trouble of falling behind. It’s easy to ignore assignments when you don’t understand the material. At times, students can feel that the material isn't important enough to learn if they don't understand it. That logic is false because the material that is taught in school can be valuable to your life.
After years of struggling in school I can finally lend advice to students who are struggling. If you’re a student feeling overwhelmed, ignore that voice in your head that’s telling you not to ask for help. Immediately reach out to your professors by going to their assigned office hours. Office hours are designed so that students can ask questions and go over topics that are confusing. I know going to office hours may seem scary, embarrassing, or awkward at first, but you have to conquer that fear because it will help your grades in the long run.
If you still can’t get over your fear, and are still apprehensive about going to office hours, there are other methods to help you. One method is reaching out to your professors via email. Through email, you’re able to eliminate the potential awkwardness of having to speak with them in person. Another method is seeking help through free tutoring provided by Santa Monica College. Tutoring can be a better option for students because the tutors are most likely to be students just like you.
All in all, whichever method you choose to do will save you from failing classes and having to retake them. Don’t let your fear or pride hinder your academic career like I did. These resources are not only free, they’re provided to you for a reason. Once you let go of that antagonizing fear, things will get a little easier. If I can have the courage to ask for help, then so can you. Do yourself a favor and seek help.
Your grade point average will thank you later.