UNITE HERE Local 11 Presents Over 100,000 Signatures to City Hall

On Monday, May 2, hospitality workers gathered to turn in the petitions collected by UNITE HERE 11 towards qualifying their 'Hotel Worker Protection Initiative' for the November 2022 ballot at City Hall in Los Angeles.

On Monday, May 2, housekeepers and other hospitality workers gathered to turn in the petitions towards qualifying their 'Hotel Worker Protection Initiative' for the November 2022 ballot at City Hall in Los Angeles. Petitions have been collected by UNITE HERE local 11, a labor union that represents over 32,000 hospitality workers in Southern California and Arizona who work in hotels, restaurants, universities, convention centers, and airports since late January.

Over 100,000 Angeleno's signed onto the initiative, which aims to provide:

-Panic buttons and other security measures to protect hotel housekeepers from sexual assault and threatening conduct.

-Fair compensation for heavy workloads

-Restoration of daily room cleaning throughout the industry

-Expansion of minimum wage law for hotel workers

The initiative, which would follow the lead of neighboring cities to mandate panic buttons and raise minimum wage for hotel workers, "mirrors protections they have secured in Long Beach, Santa Monica, and most recently West Hollywood" according to a Media Advisory document given out at the event.

The event began at 1 p.m. and took place at 200 North Spring Street right in front of City Hall.Hotel workers and community allies and others turned in over 100,000 signed petitions to the Los Angeles City Clerk's Office. Even mayoral candidate Kevin DeLeon made an appearance to support.