SMC Pan African Alliance Hosts First Annual Umoja Games

On Friday, April 26, at 11:30 a.m., Santa Monica College’s (SMC) Pan African Alliance faculty and Black Collegians students met on Corsair Field for the first annual Umoja Games. The events held were a 400-meter race, 100-by-four relay race, 200-meter race, kickball, and tug-of-war.

Faculty from the Pan African Alliance at SMC played as “Team Red,” while Black Collegians students played as “Team Green.”

Leisha Smith, the Black Collegians club president, won the 400-meter race, which marked Team Green’s first win of the day. Team Green also won the 100-by-four relay race and 200-meter race.

For the kickball game, each team was evenly split into ten members. Xcellen Connor was the head referee for the match, leading Team Red to win their first event of the day.

The final tug-of-war event was split into men’s and women’s teams; Team Red’s men won almost immediately. While Team Green’s women put up a fight, Team Red’s women ultimately won.

After the games finished, the Pan African Alliance provided tacos and drinks. Events such as the Umoja games create a bond between the faculty and the students they serve every day and stand as a testament to the family atmosphere the Black College faculty always strive to create for all.


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