SMCPD work to combat rising campus theft as semester starts. News, LocalAdam R ThomasFebruary 23, 2016bicycle thieves, Crime, iPhone theft, library, SMCPDComment
Is the SMC library turning into a nursery? OpinioncorsairdesignMarch 10, 2012Jonothon Diaz, lack, library, nap, sleeping, smc, studyingComment
Second bathroom incident this fall NewsSports EditorNovember 3, 2011arrested, bathroom, campus, emergency, identified, incident, library, main campus, peeping tom, police, restroom, safe, science building, stall, suspect, victimComment
Associated Students offers plan for more access to textbooks at SMC NewsSports EditorOctober 14, 2011a-s-, Associated Students, Board meeting, fee, harrison wills, high-enrollment, instructors, library, mona martin, plan, project, smc bookstore, studentprigs-com, textbooks, ViveroComment
Pulled fire alarm causes library evacuation An intentionally pulled fire alarm at the main campus library caused the building to be evacuated. Read More NewsadviserMay 9, 2011fire alarm, library, smcComment