Star Trek Is Not Cool. Enter: Hipsters.

Star Trek sucks, hipsters suck, T-Mobile sucks.

Apparently, the idea pool in Hollywood is starting to get shallow, so much so that they are recycling things that were never good in the first place. And they know it. But of course, how could one not smell the
stink of the Star Trek franchise?

Now, I can respect people who are legitimate fans of the series, that's
fine, it's all in what you like. But I can't respect the people who do things like refurbishing their living room to look like the hull of the Enterprise.

But the problem still remains that Paramount and the other affiliates who are putting out the film have to work around the decade's long history of the stereotypical Star Trek motif. (Which, of course, is the lonely thirty year old in his parents' basement who wears a shirt with some wise saying on it that was probably funny when he saw his obese nephew wearing it at Thanksgiving dinner, so he bought it off of him for an old playboy and now he thinks he is cool as cucumber.)

So what is a multinational to do? They appeal to the seemingly underground hipster movement that is already working successfully with big companies who want to borrow their style in order to make their
product(s) more appealing to crowds
that would otherwise have nothing
to do with them.

This time, they chose to pick the ever popular, which is a website that features the photography of Mark Hunter, who seems to be a business genius. From the looks of things, Hunter just throws a party, takes some photos and then sells them to companies like T-Mobile
so that they can look like they have
a cool party culture behind their
products, without actually having to go through the trouble of hanging out
with a bunch of people drinking spirits
in an apartment full of bubbles.

In addition, The Cobra Snake also h0osts a plethora of clothing that makes 17 year olds look cool, but 25 year olds look like they want to be 17.
So since Paramount needs to make the new Star Trek look cool and shake the stigma that comes with previous motion pictures and television series, Hunter was the guy to go to. This is obvious if you look at the photo album on his page entitled "Vulcan Death Punch". Apparently the best way to make a lame product look cool is to
get a couple of girls half naked, paint
them green and have them pass out

While simultaneously releasing a bunch of black shirts that list the names of main characters in white print, then you have your friends pose in front of the camera and act like it's the most amazing thing ever to grace the dark stretches of their walk-in closets. All the while, you get to sell your style in a semi mainstream way
for what can be assumed is a super
nice profit.

Of course, you don't realize that you have done that until Urban Outfitters picks up your shirt line and ships it across the country. Then eventually you get to look like every high school kid who doesn't shop at Abercrombie, but still has the money to.

Slowly but surely these kids start to get younger and younger until you watch the style that you didn't really create, but defined yourself with and then exploited, dissipate into nothing. Then you get to be a used up shell that was cool at one time before the times changed, because trends change and people are shameless.

But at leas t you used your temporary as it is power to promote something worthwhile. Oh, wait. You promoted the new Star Trek. Well, if it makes you feel better I would
have taken the money too.
