Bernie Sanders club rocks the vote at SMC

While most Bernie Sanders supporters had their eyes turned to Carson, CA on May 17, where the presidential hopeful was holding a rally at the Stubhub Center, SMC was feeling the Bern in its own way. Just a few hours before the rally, students gathered in front of the SMC library, and a barrage of cell phones and cameras flashed as TV stars mingled with some of the SMC faculty and student body. The Bernie Sanders club hosted “Rock the Campus for Bernie,” and had the quad buzzing with Bernie attractions from 11 a.m. till noon. The club set up Sanders kiosks and a crowd quickly gathered to talk about the presidential hopeful and see actors Kendrick Sampson, Max Carver, and Charlie Carver, who made appearances to support Bernie and register students to vote.

Among the buzz was the Bernie Bus, a tour bus sponsored by the National Nurses United for Patient Protection and California Association of Nurses. The bus has been traveling across the United States and nurses have been campaigning at various college campuses on behalf of Sanders. The nurses chanted "Bernie" and one nurse said, with tears in her eyes, "Bernie's our only salvation."

Max Carver, from Desperate Housewives, Teen Wolf, and The Leftovers, said, “I’m a fan of Bernie Sanders because of his record. To me, Bernie is an authentic candidate. He’s been consistent for 40 years. He has been standing on the side of people who have been marginalized, people who can’t speak for themselves.”


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Letter from the Editor: perception