Santa Monica Museum of Flying unveils mural
Randal Lawson memorial in photos
A.S. passes 2014-2015 budget and discusses new agenda
SMC community finds ways to save water amid dry spell
Remembering Randal Lawson: The Conductor
SMC students debate, pro-Israel or pro-Palestine
The reign of Khan: an afternoon with the new head of student government
A board for all seasons
Dunkin' Donuts makes West Coast debut in Santa Monica
Videos capture heated opinions during latest Israel-Gaza protests
Matthew Nicholson & Ali Khan address Board of Trustees meeting
International voices, calls for peace at mass rally against Gaza war
Surprises and suspense at Santa Monicans for Renter's Rights convention
Water main break on Sunset causes flooding & traffic disruption
Survivors run SMC track in relay against cancer
Voices in protest as Gaza burns
Protesters gather on Wilshire Blvd. demanding end to Gaza war
News, Online Exclusive, Politics, Top Stories, LocalAlci RengifoGaza, Gaza invasion, Gaza solidarity, Hamas, Israel, Middle East, Netanyahu, Palestine, Palestinian solidarity, U-S- support for Israel, Wilshire protests
Language professors from Vietnam share insights at SMC
News, Online Exclusive, LocalAlci Rengifocampus life, Language, Linguistics, On Campus, political science, Scholarly Diplomacy, Vietnam, Vietnamese
Filming begins on SMC's own version of "Happy"
Protest in favor of Israeli attacks on Gaza takes over Wilshire Blvd.