FLVR Program chooses accessibility over accuracy
Breaking Update: Agreement reached after CSEA reprise protest outside of Trustee meeting.
Astronomy Club wins out of this world Club Row
Trump's first Southland rally makes Americans fight again
Interaction design bachelor's degree arrives at SMC
Earth Week rocks SMC to its core
Zambian vice president is honored as a Distinguished Alumni
De-Classified: Classified staff protest Board of Trustees meeting over wage increase
An independent's day: An exclusive interview with AS Vice President-Elect Adrian M. Restrepo
Fresh Start starts: An exclusive interview with AS President-Elect Terrance Ware
Triumph and Defeat: The 2016 AS election results
Associated Students, News, Top Stories, LocalAdam R Thomas2016 AS Elections, Adrian M Restrepo, AS, AS Elections, Associated Student Board, Laura Zwicker, Terrance Ware
AS Elections 2016: The candidates you need to know, now
AS Elections 2016: Meet the Director of Budget Management candidate Orlando Gonzalez
AS Elections 2016: Meet Director of Budget Management candidate Dario Gentiletti
AS Elections 2016: Meet Director of Budget Management candidate Vladyslav Verchenko
AS Elections 2016: Meet Director of Budget Management candidate Auguste Gezalyan
AS Elections 2016: Meet the Director of Community Relations candidate Stephany Triska
AS Elections 2016: Meet Vice Presidential candidate Edward Tang
AS Elections 2016: Meet Vice Presidential candidate Adrian M. Restrepo
AS Elections 2016: Meet the AS Secretary candidate Dane Cruz