Posts in Opinion
So Much For Stopping Sarah

She's become a celebrity in the last year and a half. She has been interviewed on countless news programs, written a book and gone on a book tour. She tried to get one job, failed, and quit the job she already had. She sparks debate amongst Americans, draws criticism and sharps lines of division, but paints herself as a hockey mom that drives herself to work. Our differing views on whether or not Sarah Palin is the anti-Christ or the only one that can save our country, is beside the point. The point being that this someone from the middle of nowhere has become a phenomenon not only in the political world, but also in pop culture- a notion that many would be hard pressed to challenge.

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Parking Woes Trouble Students

Ten weeks into the semester and there is no difference in our parking situation.  If you enter the lot between 7:40 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., you know you are going to have to wait before you find a spot. However, people still seem to complain about the tedious wait.

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Riding With The Top Down (if that's allowed)

If you have ever been on a lonely road trip across the country, you realize having someone to share the ride can benefit your wallet and your sanity.  Although hopping in a car with a complete stranger doesn't sound completely sane, there are some safe ways to avoid the sometimes axe slaughter ending.

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