Posts in Opinion
Frugal Fashionista

After living as a part-time student, having a part-time job, and mounting bills it is understandable that many students show up to class in sweatpants and tennis shoes. Worrying about what to pull off of the hanger in the morning is the last thing on the mind of many people. To help them overcome their struggle to juggle an education, occupation, and looking good Cristina Maxwell will tackle a new store each week in LA that makes comfortable, affordable and hip clothing available to students.

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Oil spill tragedy: tragically over-hyped

According to the media, the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is the worst oil disaster to ever occur in the Gulf, but the truth is, its not. While any oil spill is tragic, this one is relatively small, and is only affecting an ecosystem that has already been contaminated by the largest oil spill in history.  

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