The UN calls for togetherness and resilience against fear of “The Others”
Read MoreA personal view of new beginnings in education
Read MorePennywise terrifies a whole new generation of audiences.
Read MoreThe pressure of earning the grades you want, or need, each school semester is a stress many college students know all too well. What can also make that all more difficult is having to deal with one’s own mental health issues.
Read MoreIt is almost final exam week, and everyone is trying to get ready. Although different students follow different methods of studying, according to the results of a study published on BBC, 99% of students admit to cramming at least once.
Read MoreMy name is Matthew Linsky and I have something important to say: joining the Santa Monica College Speech and Debate Team has been the best academic decision I ever made.
Read MoreThe turnstiles click, the train chugs, the children laugh, and the happy music plays. You’ve now entered the euphoric world of franchised milk and honey known as Disneyland.
Read MoreWhat influences what you wear on a daily basis? Whether it’s the latest trend, the weather, or what’s not in your laundry pile, the fear of being seen as a mere sexual object used to be my deciding factor in my daily dilemma of outfit picking.
Read MoreI’m sure you have noticed, politics is not a popular topic these days. Rest assured, this did not start yesterday. This did not start with Donald Trump or Barack Obama, nor did it only happen in the United States.
Read MoreWhile The American Dream thrives in my own private bubble of the universe, a few blocks down, near an interstate 405 exit, so many tents are pitched underneath a freeway ramp that it could look like a camping ground if not for the blinking of traffic lights and the passing of rushing cars.
Read MoreThe way that we think about economics and the government is changing, as more and more people are noticing the weaknesses in our current capitalistic system. I believe that capitalism is fundamentally flawed and the economic system used by the majority of the world was designed to exploit people.
Read MoreI was insanely nervous the first time I walked into a Planned Parenthood. I did my best to keep my head down and avoid all eye contact with anyone in the waiting room.
Read MoreYou don’t have to be a man, woman, straight, bisexual, lesbian, gay, or any of the over 51 gender roles categorized Sam Killerman's “A Guide to Gender” to be a feminist. Gender equality is a human right.
Read MoreWho would have ever thought a reality show star, with no prior experience in politics, would become the president of the United States? Certainly not I.
Read MoreBarack Obama's eight years as our commander-in-chief now seems like a lifetime ago thanks to the ridiculously stretched out 2016 election that resulted in America's vote for Donald Trump as our current president.
Read MoreAmazon Studios new series Z: The Beginning of Everything is the show you never knew you needed.
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