Posts in Opinion
Snake Oil Selling in the Age of Coronavirus

Snake oil selling is nothing new here in America, but the country’s dramatic descent into a public health epidemic has highlighted the dangers of disinformation and the rejection of scientific facts. With deaths from COVID-19 climbing into the tens of thousands across the country, new attention is being focused on the dangers of misleading the American public.

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The Killing of Ahmaud Arbery: Trying to Outrun a Failing Justice System

Following the recent release of the graphic and disturbing video of Arbery’s killing, media outlets, celebrities, advocates for justice, as well as everyday people, were outraged, with some referring to his murder as, “the modern day lynching.” Thankfully the public outcry and activism made an impact because on Thursday night when the Georgia Bureau of Investigation helped in the arrests of the self-proclaimed vigalante father and son, George and Travis McMichael, for the murder of Arbery.

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Taking Care of You

The recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID19) can be stressful. Scrolling through emails and news updates on social media can cause an abundant amount of unnecessary noise, and it can be easy to get lost in what’s going on. Now is an important time to focus on self-care and ways to stay busy at home, while also leaving space for others to practice social distancing.

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