In our beautiful city’s parks, Santa Monica Striking coaches Dean Rosenwald and Lance Dixon train their fighters in Muay Thai. They are temporarily offering these classes free of charge. “I don't want to turn anyone away who can’t afford to pay, especially [during the pandemic],” said Rosenwald.
Read MoreThe Corsair: Issue 8 (Fall 2020)
Read MoreThe trouble with this virus does not come from lack of research or even a bad immune system; it stems from our collective decision to feign ignorance. We go out to eat, we enjoy the simplicities of strolling down avenues, all in the middle of a raging pandemic. We don’t want to believe it, but things have not gotten better.
Read MoreWatching the Masters Tournament this past weekend, I was reminded of a phrase coined by sportscaster Jim Nantz about the yearly event: “A tradition unlike any other.” What immediately came to mind wasn’t the Super Bowl of golf, but instead the long and storied tradition of the political left eating their own
Read MoreThe race for Los Angeles County District Attorney was officially called on November 6, when former Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey officially conceded in the race against George Gascón. Gascón beat Lacey with 53.7 percent of the total vote, leading by an estimated 229,000.
Read MoreOne of the most common ways internet scammers attack is through the use of phishing scams, which target consumers through the art of deception.
Read MoreOn November 6, former Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey officially conceded in the race against George Gascón. Lacey had held her position for eight years, but Gascón won 53.7 percent of the total vote, leading by approximately 229,000 votes.
Since January, L.A. has experienced three earthquakes that were 4.0 and above on the Richter scale. They serve as a constant reminder that a natural disaster can happen at any time — specifically, a major earthquake widely referred to as "The Big One." Here's what you need to know and how to be prepared.
Read MoreAs the world endures the coronavirus pandemic, vacation-going, and leisure travel have not stopped. SMC students share their experiences traveling amid COVID-19, showing that it’s possible to travel safely and have fun.
Read MoreNearing the end of the Fall semester many students are beginning to feel the toll online classes are taking on their academic careers.
Read MoreJacob Alvarez created Marquee Marauders Club in 2018 as a platform for concert junkies to share photos and experiences, but it quickly evolved into something more.
Read MoreThe Black Friday experience doesn’t seem to be going away, even in the midst of a pandemic.
Read MoreMany musical artists have faced not being able to do live performances, studio sessions, and music videos due to the coronavirus. Social media has been a primary outlet used by artists to promote their music, creative process, and hobbies. In this time, singer Dana Williams and the musical duo Chaos Chaos discussed how this difficult time has not put a halt in releasing music and new upcoming projects.
Read MoreAs the Fall 2020 semester comes to a close, Santa Monica College’s football team, the Corsairs, are gearing up for the Spring Semester. COVID-19 led to a cancellation of the 2020-2021 season, which forced the team to move practices, meetings, and communication online.
Read MoreSome classes can be harder to virtually learn than others. Santa Monica College (SMC) kinesiology classes, which study the mechanics of body movement, are an example of this.
Read MoreThis week, two pharmaceutical companies, Moderna and Pfizer, claimed that they have viable COVID-19 vaccines that are 94% and 90% effective, respectively. These announcements come as new infections rise across the country and around the world.
Read MoreIn the coming weeks, hundreds of thousands of students will apply to transfer –– myself included. The stress of college applications is a heavy weight on one’s mind, but now it is compounded by an additional unforeseen circumstance: COVID-19.
Read MoreAs of November 12th, the results were finalized for 12 of California's state ballot measures. These propositions covered criminal justice reform, ride-share apps, dialysis clinics, stem cell research, property taxes, affirmative action and more
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