A.S. Seeks Board Member Due to Vacancy

Santa Monica College's student-led government, the Associated Students (A.S.), is looking to fill in the position of Director of Budget Management due to a vacancy.

The Santa Monica College (SMC) Associated Students (A.S.) is looking to fill a vacancy in the 2022 A.S. Board of Directors. In a Board of Directors meeting on Aug. 29, it was announced that the position of Director of Budget Management had been left unfilled since the beginning of the fall semester.

“Over the summer, unfortunately we had a vacancy in our Director of Budget Management,” said Thomas Bui, the Associate Dean of Student Life. “To fill that position, we have to follow our constitutional process.”

This process begins by announcing the vacancy in a Board meeting, followed by establishing an appointment committee to screen potential candidates. Next, the application process begins, and the vacancy is open to the public. The four members that will oversee applications will be A.S. President Kamiko Greenwood, Inter-Club Council (I.C.C.) Chair Antoine Aoude, Director of Activities Francis Yang and Director of Basic Needs Cecilia Jeong.

The Director of Budget Management is one of the 15 positions that make up the A.S. Board of Directors. This position is responsible for keeping a record of all financial information related to A.S., which includes paid student memberships and sponsors. Other responsibilities include chairing the A.S. Finance Committee every Wednesday at 11 a.m. and providing financial summaries to the Board, Finance Committee and the I.C.C. at least three times a semester.

Applications for Director of Budget Management were due by Tuesday, Sep. 13 before 5 p.m. After the deadline, candidates will have their eligibility determined by the appointment committee. Eligibility requirements include not being a first semester student, having at least a 2.0 GPA and being enrolled in at least five units at SMC.

The approved candidates will be invited to the A.S. Board of Directors meeting for interviews on Sep. 19 starting at 3 p.m.


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