The Electrifying Power of Poetry
SMC students Jassmena Petrosian and Marie Del Rosario perform original poetry at the Greenway Court Theatre and talk about their own relationship with the practice of creative writing.
Associated Students Spring 2023 Election Candidate Guide
Learn about the 2023 Associated Students candidates.
Corsair Holds Spring 2023 A.S. Candidate Forum
Candidates for the 2023 Associated Students (A.S.) election participated in a virtual forum hosted by The Corsair on Tuesday morning.
Lyfting Students From Point A to Bundy
With the temporary closure of Big Blue Bus Line 44 and other lines this semester, Santa Monica College is promoting a Lyft rideshare service that transports students between its campuses.
Corsairs Crushed by the Canyons
The SMC women’s soccer team fought hard, but three goals by Santa Clarita resulted in defeat.
A Story of Many Lifetimes
80-year-old student David “Papi” Hunt reflects on his experience as a performer, playwright, and lover of history and learning.
Election 2022: SMC at the Polls
A voting center on the SMC main campus provided students with easy access to voting in the 2022 Midterm elections.
Meet the Clubs of SMC
Learn about the many student clubs Santa Monica College has to offer.
Student Arrested in SMC Sexual Assault Case
A student accused of sexually assaulting female students at Santa Monica College was arrested Monday morning.
SMC Corsairs Women’s Soccer Ties With SBCC Vaqueros
The Santa Monica College Women’s Soccer team tied 1-1 against Santa Barbara City College in their sixth game of the season.
A.S. Seeks Board Member Due to Vacancy
Santa Monica College's student-led government, the Associated Students (A.S.), is looking to fill in the position of Director of Budget Management due to a vacancy.
Corsairs Optimistic Despite Rough Start
On Saturday, Sep. 10, 2022, the Santa Monica College (SMC) football team, The Corsairs, played against the Pasadena City College (PCC) Lancers on the Corsair field for their first game of the season.
L.A. Bans Homeless Encampments near Schools Despite Protests and Outrage
Activists arrived at City Hall Tuesday to protest an amendment that would ban homeless encampments near schools and daycares, which was ultimately passed by the Los Angeles City Council.