The Corsairs’ Loss Keeps Opponent’s Winning Streak Alive

The Santa Monica Corsairs played at home this Wednesday against the Orange Coast Pirates. Coming off a strong win in their last match against Golden West and a fight against Long Beach, the Corsairs were confident during warm ups.

The Corsairs had a nice start in the first set, with a point by outside hitter Sadie Town and a spike by middle blocker Angela Morgan-Perry after the Pirates unsuccessfully tried to block. Both teams had great offense, with outside hitter Nika Safavi gaining the Pirates a point. Orange Coast tried coming back but with a massive block and strong offense, the set ultimately went to the Corsairs. (25-17)

Both teams fought it out during the second set. Another spike by Town and a play by Orange Coast’s middle blocker Caprie Troccoli kept everyone on the edge of their seats wondering who would win. The Pirates gave a few points to Santa Monica with repeated out of bounds shots, but Orange Coast took the lead and won this set (18-25).

Setter Makena Gamby led Santa Monica with the first point of the third set. The Corsairs started this set strong, refusing to let Orange Coast take the lead easily. Santa Monica fans roared loudly, trying to throw off powerful serves made by Pirates’ defensive specialist Sophia Wirtzer. Another spike by Wirtzer gave the Pirates the biggest lead of the match (11-20). The Pirates won the set (16-25).

“We just don’t know how to maintain our energy,” Head coach Christian Cammayo said.

Set four started off with a point for the Pirates, this was the first time in the match that the team scored first. Seemingly unfocused, the Corsairs celebrated too early before an out of bounds call was made by the referee. The Corsairs tried coming back with a spike by opposite Reese Luke and eventually tying the score. This was short lived as the Pirates’ Troccoli spiked and took the score to (12-20). The Corsairs had impressive blocks but they were no match for Orange Coast (16-25). Proceeding to give the Pirates their eighth win in a row.

“We knew it was gonna be a battle,” Cammayo said. “We’ve played a really tough pre-season. Just a number of, like, really tough opponents.”

The Corsairs play their next match at home on Friday, September 20 against the Ventura College Pirates at 6pm.