News, Election Coverage, 2020 Elections Carolyn Burt News, Election Coverage, 2020 Elections Carolyn Burt

An Unprecedented Electoral College Amidst an Unprecedented Year

Over the past 48 hours, many Americans have been glued to their televisions as results began to pour in for the United States Presidential Election. If Biden wins Nevada and Arizona (an increasingly likely scenario), that would put him at 270 electoral college votes, the exact amount required to win the presidency. This would be the closest the election has been since the 270 rule was put into place in 1964.

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Election Results: Associated Students

After two weeks of furious campaigning, fraught with controversy and scandal, the 2018 Associated Students election has come to an end. The slate "Step Forward" performed excellently, winning seven of the eight seats in which they ran a candidate, most of which were contested.

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A.S. Defends Efforts in Publicizing Elections

As elections begin, confusion, apathy, and lack of knowledge appear to bring low voter turnout this semester.  When a reporter asked on Monday, April 3, the first day of elections week, what efforts the Associated Students (A.S.) board had made to promote and educate students about…

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A.S. Candidate Reported to Campus Disciplinarian Over Allegations of Intimidation

Two days into the Associated Students election, Santa Monica College’s election committee gathered in the Cayton Center’s conference room. Three violations were discussed, one of which resulted in one A.S. candidate being reported to the campus disciplinarian for allegations of a threat. 

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The Corsair Sponsors Third Annual A.S. Candidates' Forum

Approximately 100 students and Santa Monica College staff members gathered on the college’s quad this Tuesday, April 3 on the main campus to listen to what candidates running for SMC's student government, the Associated Students (A.S.) Board of Directors, had to say.

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A.S. Election Rule Deviation Brings A Disadvantage to Candidates

Last week, the A.S. election committee made an informal deviation to the rules, allowing candidates to distribute campaign materials without an official stamp. But because the committee did not inform all the candidates of this change, some of those running for election face a disadvantage.

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