SMC feminists attempt to shatter glass ceiling
At work with fellow employees daily, you do the same work, fold the same pile of clothes, fry the same burgers, scan the same groceries, and everything seems to be equal. But when the paycheck comes, is everything still equal? The SMC Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance sees the glass ceiling that is still suppressing women and has decided to make an effort to make a difference.
According to a study released by the General Accountability Office (GAO),
"Even accounting for factors such as occupation, industry, race, marital status and job tenure, working women today earn an average of 80 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts. This pay gap has persisted for the past two decades, remaining relatively consistent from 1983-2000."
The FMLA established its purpose to "promote awareness of feminism and woman's issues." Their goal is to merely make people aware of the reality of inequality so that they may be guided by personal decision rather than shear ignorance.
SMC student Marie Holguin thinks feminism is "a belief, a principle and a conviction." She sees the value of the FMLA and their goal to make people aware of the unequal reality we live in. "There is always a need for alliance among students and peers. They create a sense of unity and comfort and often promote confidence and change."
Just finishing promotion for the Barbara Boxer campaign, Silberman says they are in flux, trying to get vamped for the second project. This new project will take place Thursday, Nov. 18, with a guest speaker addressing the Equal Rights Amendment, in which woman's rights are not specifically named. Although the task of overcoming the inequality obstacles seems dauntingly difficult she believes they must continue to make efforts to see change.
Although some may find the small eight-member group insignificant, the FMLA is attempting to make significant change. "We're a group of eight chicks trying to get shit done," Vice President Samantha Silberman spoke of her members.
SMC second year student Max McNamara thinks that standing up for gender equality is just, but states his reservations. "As in any movement, there are fundamentalists that take the cause to extremes and possible illogical terms. "
It is this stereotype that feminism has had stapled to its forefront. Most see the negative side of feminism, which alienates men especially, but the SMC group has a different approach. They see that "friendly is better."
"We are a group of woman who want to create social change and social awareness." Silberman expressed. "Ignorance is not bliss! People always forget what we fought for as women, but the truth is, we are still fighting."
She believes SMC students and staff alike treat all students justly and not on a bias of gender or race. McNamara see's the fairness and equality rendered at SMC and believes that groups such as the FMLA is helpful to "enlighten people of the affairs that are present on our campus and our society as a whole."
The issues FMLA fights for are mainly National based dilemmas, issues that have potential to make radical change. Both McNamara and Holguin find SMC to be a campus that promotes equality among all students, unaffected by gender, race and sexual orientation.
Holguin believes it is helpful to have groups such as the FMLA on campus, she states, "Students should be encouraged to congregate based on their beliefs, groups like this promote awareness and tolerance."
It's been said that it is not quantity of the people fighting that matters, rather the quality of the fight. The Feminist Majority Leadership Alliance may be small in number, but their vision is mighty.