MTV College Publishers "Break-Through Artist Of The Year : D.J. Matari "Subscribe To Glory"
Santa Monica Dec 4 , 2008
MTV College Publishers "Break-Through Artist of the Week " D.J. Matari " is in the studios this week at SMC's Academy of Entertainment and Technology (AET). MTV networks the parent of College Publisher / in conjunction with the Corasair online is featuring a video documentary on the making of the D.J. Matari Video "A Voice Cries Out" This single Is from his highly anticipated CD " Subscribe To Glory " Due out early 2009 . Already on Youtube , and online the singles from the Subscribe To Glory CD are getting rave reviews.
D.J. Matari's new single received over a thousand hits the first day of being heard on Youtube. The making of the D.J. Matari
Click below to hear a sample of "A Voice Cries Out " And to preview the video Montage "