Posts in Opinion
Pro-Life: Whatever It Takes

Abortion has always been a controversial topic in America. However, with the US recently forcing the UN Security Council to rewrite a resolution on sexual violence in wartime to essentially prohibit abortions, this is now forcing other countries to follow a pro-life stance; a stance that has no plan for the amount of issues that come with childbirth and care.

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Homesickness: A club's remedy

During Club Awareness Day, which took place on main campus on March 28, the quad hosted much more than just clubs scouting new members. There were also small groups of international students concentrating for the purpose of letting other students like themselves know they are there to support each other while promoting a club.

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The Recent College Admissions Scandal Begs for a Change in the Overall Admissions Process

On Tuesday, March 12th, news broke of the discovery of an underground college admissions service run by William “Rick” Singer, who charged wealthy families hefty amounts of cash (from $200,000 to $6.5 million on a case-by-case basis, according to the Los Angeles Times) for his services in getting their children into elite universities. More than 50 people were implicated.

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SMC Should Offer Wine Appreciation Classes

Wine is ubiquitous in art and culture. It is found in Shakespeare’s poetry, Mozart’s operas and Picasso’s paintings. Yet, on many college campuses, wine’s dangers overshadow its place in the Humanities. Students have ample opportunities to learn about the dangers of alcohol—and rightly so—but focusing solely on the perils of alcohol is not only incomplete, it is dangerous.

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Social Credit Nightmares

On June 14, 2014, China’s State Council released an outline that detailed the plan to construct the world’s first comprehensive “social credit system” by 2020.  In function, this social credit system, or “social trust system,” as it has recently been relabeled, is meant to quantify each individual Chinese citizens’ or businesses’ trustworthiness by scoring them in “personal trustworthiness points.”

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Put Brakes on that Rape Train

Before my career as an Santa Monica College (SMC) student, I received my BA in the 1980s, around the same time as Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and his alleged victims. Attending a women's college - Mt. Holyoke, a school that recruits SMC students every semester - helped insulate my friends and me from the dangerous behavior Kavanaugh’s victims described - but not completely.

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