corsair news STAFf
fall 2021


Maxim Elramsisy

-photo Editor-

Maxim Elramsisy is a photojournalist from Los Angeles, California.  He graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, where he studied Neuroscience and Music.  He enjoys snowboarding, concerts, and playing with his son.

gavin quinton

-news editor-

Gavin Quinton is a journalism student and SMC sophomore interested in investigative journalism, news, science journalism, and filmmaking. Outside of writing for The Corsair, he enjoys playing music, studying history, and being with friends and family. 


celso robles

-Sports EDITOR-

Celso Robles is a Chicano/Latin-American student at SMC and a newcomer to The Corsair. He has been at SMC since the fall of 2018 but took a year off in 2019; he returned in 2020 and has been working hard at an Associate’s Degree in Journalism ever since. In his spare time, Celso loves to watch sports, play video games, and he also tries to self-teach himself to be a DJ. 


gladys holdorff

-staff writer-

Hi Everyone! My name is Gladys Holdorff and this is my First-year on the Corsair as part of the social media staff. I love spending my time seeking out sunrises and sunsets. Excited to be joining the team this year.

zipporah pruitt

-staff wrtier-

Zipporah ”Zipp” Pruitt is a journalism student at SMC, who has a strong passion for entertainment journalism, primarily with film, animation, and music. Always on top of the latest news while analyzing and writing retrospectives, she compares pop culture from the past to the present. Outside of the Corsair, she is developing several fictional book series and plans to release a podcast and blog to highlight musicians of color who don’t receive the credit that they deserve, along with interviewing hopeful or established music industry professionals.

marc federici

-STAFF photographer-

Marc Federici is a lifelong photographer pursuing an Associate’s Degree in Journalism. Born and raised in Los Angeles, he has attended Santa Monica College for two years and is currently enjoying his first semester working with The Corsair. When he is not out shooting pictures, he enjoys creative writing and maintaining a digital and physical retro video game collection. 


Nicole Kobayashi

-Staff writer-

This is Nicole Kobayashi’s first semester with the Corsair, her interests include entertainment and fashion Journalism. Along with reading and writing, she enjoys working out, taking photos, and spending time with friends and family.


anushka soni

-staff writer-

An ambivalent human who is doing psychology as a major and journalism as a minor loves writing and reading books. A very artistic person who dances, draws, paints, reads, writes, also interested in sports. When you go back in my history, one thing you will find that hasn't changed till now is that I was a child when I was 9 yrs old, and I am still a child with a mature mind (of course). I see myself as a river going with the flow, quickly stepping stones, and when I can't jump the rock, I simply flow from the side. I am originally from India, came to States I think five years ago and since then I am here in this long island of money. I am happy in the little circle I have made, but I would also like to go out of my comfort zone and welcome new things.

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Rebecca Hogan

-staff WRITER-

Rebecca is excited to be returning to the Corsair as a staff writer who also occasionally submits a photo. She hopes to focus on the Arts and Entertainment. When she is not writing for the Corsair, she invests her time as a Board Member with Make Music L.A. and the Just Jazz Concert Series.


-Staff WRITEr-

My name is Flynn Traynor, I am a staff writer. I enjoy creative writing, fashion, and food! If I am not writing I am out with friends or trying out a new restaurant. I am very excited about this upcoming semester!

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aaron schuchman

-STAFF writerr-

Aaron is thrilled to be part of the Corsair Newspaper staff for the first time at SMC! Aaron is an SMC Alumni in that he graduated back in 2015 with his Associate’s in Liberal Arts and then transferred on to Arizona State University to receive his Bachelor of Science in Technical Writing and Editing. In his free time, Aaron enjoys cycling, swimming, as well as a cup of iced coffee while using Adobe programs including Indesign and Photoshop!

Ashley Cox


Fall 2021 marks Ashley’s first semester as Editor in Chief. Rising from digital editor, she’s looking forward to bringing fresh ideas and a new perspective to The Corsair. When she’s not in the newsroom or chasing down new stories, you can find her Aerial hooping, obsessing over Fran Lebowitz, or daydreaming about the new Grand Tour Special. 

aja marshall

-Multimedia editor-

Aja is an aspiring multimedia journalist and comes from an Entertainment background having worked with companies such as Nickelodeon, Mandeville Films, and Participant. With a passion for storytelling, she’s thrilled to be a part of The Corsair for her third semester and contribute on the topics of entertainment, arts, and culture. When she’s not working, you can find her experimenting in the kitchen, surfing, traveling, spending time with her family and friends, and watching everything (movies, TV, name it).

Leonard Richardson-King

-culture Editor-

Hello! I’m Leonard Richardson-King and I’m a journalism major at Santa Monica College. As an aspiring multimedia mogul I’m extremely passionate about my career and hope to bring you the latest news in arts & entertainment, culture, film and LGBTQ+ topics. I look forward to connecting with you!

Katheryne Menendez

-opinion editor-

Katheryne is a freshman at SMC planning to major in Sociology and Philosophy and is thrilled to be part of The Corsair. She is passionate about politics and social justice and loves music, books, photography, and cats. When she is not working, she can be found listening to music, reading a book, taking pictures of her friends and family, and playing with her pets. 

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Aaliyah Sosa

-staff WRITER-

Aaliyah Sosa is a first-time student at SMC and a new voice to the Corsair. She majors in music and begins preparations for her career in film composing. The heart of her passion is found in storytelling, whether such stories are told through music or her other fascinations in writing and photography.

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Bryan Antunez

-STAFF writer-

My name is Bryan Antunez and this is my first time being on The Corsair. I love to play video games, watch movies, read, and spend time with my friends. I hope The Corsair will provide the confidence I need to continue pursuing Journalism. 

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naomi ruiz

-staff writer-

Naomi is an SMC alum and this is her second semester on The Corsair as a returning Staff Writer. She is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism with a Minor in Musical Theatre at California State University, Northridge. During her free time, she enjoys listening to music, walking her dogs, acting, singing, journaling, writing poetry, and creating TikToks. She has also acted in plays such as Stranger Things The Unauthorized Musical and sings in the SMC Jazz Vocal Ensemble.

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Josh Hogan


I am a returning Staff Writer for the Corsair. My interest and focus are on entertainment, specifically studio news, Marvel, Disney and Universal. 

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narayAn pereda


This is Narayan’s fourth year and first year at The Corsair. Majoring in Journalism, he hopes to begin writing about Santa Monica and LA sports. In his free time, he enjoys playing basketball and watching sports. 

Roxana Blacksea

-Digital EDItoR-

Roxana Blacksea is a Film Production major at Santa Monica College. She’s a member of the writers unit at Los Angeles theatre company Fierce Backbone. 

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-Staff Writer-

Michael is a Filipino American with Cerebral Palsy. Michael hopes to use journalism to spread awareness about Cerebral Palsy.


Evelyn Tucker


My name is Evelyn Tucker and this is my second semester at SMC. I love the cinema and am passionate about travelling. I look forward to engaging in impactful conversations and sharing stories that deserve to be told.


shawnee lightfoot

-Managing Editor-

Shawnee Lightfoot is a second year student at SMC ready to take on the world! She will be transferring in fall 2022 with an AA-T in Journalism and Psychology in hopes of becoming a travel journalist for National Geographic. Aside from studying, you’ll find her assembling rocket machinery for NASA and SpaceX because the grind doesn't stop. If she’s not working or grinding she will be out exploring the city or painting peacefully at home.


Sarah Nachimson

-arts & entertainment editor-

Sarah Nachimson is a sophomore at Santa Monica College. They are a communications major and love journalism. In their free time, they write poetry, make movies, and doodle.


Ezra Voss (Melgar)

-social media editor-

Ezra Voss (Melgar) is a Broadcast student at SMC. He is a Social Media expert and specializes in developing and producing content. His main focus are controversial trendy topics, news and pop culture. On his free time, Ezra loves skating and drinking Boba at the beach. He is LaxtinX and LGBTQ. Ezra never felt like he had a voice growing up, so now empowers marginalized groups by giving them a voice.

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jorge devotto

-copy editor-

My name is Jorge Devotto, I am originally from the small city of Arica in the country of Chile (South America). I am learning Journalism and Photojournalism at SMC since Fall 2020. I am a professional Camera Technician in the Industry (15 years in the IATSE Local 600 union), my dream job involves getting back to the community. No transfer plans so far, taking one class at the time. Unique about me, love cooking, soccer, waterpolo coaching, swimming, skill full lens when needed. I buy the LA Times print edition.

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karina escobar


Hello! My name is Karina and it is my first time writing for The Corsair. This is my second year at SMC and I hope to transfer with an AA-T in Journalism by Spring 2022. When I am not in class I enjoy listening to music, a few of my favorite artists being NCT, Beach House, and Fleetwood Mac.

kerrington dillon

-STAFF Writer-

Hello my name is Kerrington, I am a sophomore here at SMC and I aspire to become an entertainment and social media journalist. 

Marlene Herrera

-STAFF Writer-

Marlene Herrera is a staff writer for The Corsair. She is passionate about voicing the stories of disenfranchised communities. Marlene considers herself a Foodie, Animal Lover and a Horror Film enthusiast.

Rashno Razmkhah

-SOcial Media Editor -

As a first-gen immigrant and college student, Rashno has developed a passion for social justice and cultural diversity. With the goal of working in public policy after law school, she is excited to produce new cultural and political content alongside the Corsair’s amazing team!

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D.J. Hird

-Staff Writer-

Los Angeles native a student of journalism & architecture. D.J. Hird has a background in business management & operations as well as a background in fashion design, creative direction, merchandising & marketing. Future business aspirations are the use of my Architecture & Urban Design degree to push redevelopment of the inner city so that buildings are more sustainable & aesthetically pleasing housing projects. Journalism will allow me to share the stories & images of those often marginalized or those that the media may pass over.

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-STAFF Writer-

Guadalupe is a journalism major at SMC this will be her third semester working for The Corsair. Besides writing she enjoys reading, attending concerts, watching Disney movies, and listening to music from her favorite artist Harry Styles in her free time.

Alexandra Barrett

-staff writer-

Alexandra Barrett is a 23-year-old, first-year journalist who has dedicated her time to focusing on investigative journalism with a background in Psychology. Alexandra has spent the majority of her adult life passionate about finding the truth, especially involving business, medical or educational issues. Moving around from coast to coast and traveling to more than 5 countries, Alexandra has a very open mind to both sides of the spectrum of politics.


Neil O'Loughlin


Hello, I'm Neil And this is my first year at SMC. I’m interested in covering most topics and I am excited to learn.