What is Associated Students?

Associated Students (A.S.), the student-led government responsible for representing Santa Monica College's student body, is a critical part of student representation and decision-making.

The Associated Students (A.S.) is the student-led government responsible for representing Santa Monica College's (SMC) student body. A.S. consists of 12 positions that make up the Board of Directors, three members from the Inter-Club Council (ICC), and a single Student Trustee. Each position is described in detail within the A.S. Constitution and By-Laws on the SMC Website, summarized below:

Illustration by Andrea Marcy

  • The President of A.S. serves as the official spokesperson for the student leadership, presides over all of the Board meetings, and can form committees to address important issues at SMC, as well as appoint student representatives to those committees.

  • The Vice President takes up similar responsibilities, such as appointing representatives and serving on committees, and assumes the President’s office when the President is absent.

  • The A.S. Secretary is responsible for preparing all meeting agendas for the Board, documents resolutions and reports created during meetings, and records the votes of the Board.

  • The Director of Budget Management records all of the finances related to A.S., such as funds from paid memberships and sponsors.

  • The Director of Activities is responsible for coordinating events on campus such as concerts, plays, exhibitions and speaker series.

  • The Director of Publicity promotes A.S. and its events to students through social media, such as on Instagram and Facebook, as well as raising student awareness of the various services offered on campus, such as mental health and financial aid services.

  • The Director of Outreach acts as the official recruiter for A.S. membership and works to improve the benefits of membership, which students pay for with the $10 fee every semester. According to the SMC website, these benefits include free Scantrons and Blue Books, free printing in the SMC Computer Lab, discounts for nearby restaurants, access to SMC events such as concerts and guest speakers, and other bonuses.

  • The Director of Student Assistance works with SMC's student assistance programs, including the Financial Aid office, the Adelante program, Black Collegiate Center, and the Center for Students with Disabilities, and other offices.

  • The Director of Instructional Support ensures the various campus services meet the needs of students, working closely with the Library, Bookstore and counseling and transfer centers. They also maintain operation of the printing services in the Computer Lab, and keep the A.S. office stocked with scantrons and Blue Books for students.

  • The Director of Student Advocacy works with local legislators to promote civic awareness and researches policies regarding education. They also work with student grassroots movements and advocacy groups to organize voter registration efforts, rallies and open forums.

  • The Director of Equity and Diversity ensures the protection of students’ rights to equity and diversity on the Board meetings, and communicates with student support groups and campus police.

  • The Director of Sustainability aims to reduce the school’s ecological footprint through recycling and composting, and ensures that SMC minimizes its waste generation.

  • The Student Trustee acts as the liaison between A.S. and SMC’s leadership known as the Board of Trustees. While they do not have official voting power, the Student Trustee has the capability to make and second motions proposed by the Board, providing a voice to the students of SMC.

  • A.S. also financially supports the ICC, the group that governs clubs on campus. Its leadership is selected by the A.S. Directors, and is composed of three officers – the ICC Chair, Vice Chair, and the Communications Officer. These members oversee the operations of the ICC, and aid students in forming clubs.

  • Each of the 16 members of the Board of Directors may appoint up to four Commissioners, who serve as their assistants. Commissioners can make and second motions and provide reports on behalf of Directors.

Every spring semester, an election is held for the 12 A.S. Directors and the Student Trustee. The election will be held through Corsair Connect, from Monday, April 4 at 12 a.m. to Thursday, April 7 at 11:59 p.m. Results will be announced on April 8 at 9 a.m.


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