A.S. Special Election Voter Guide

Get to know the nine candidates running in the 2022 Associated Students Special Election

vice president

Photo submitted by Alyssa Arreola

Alyssa Arreola

Alyssa Arreola is running unopposed for A.S. Vice President. She is a nursing major, and has experience in leadership through high school and SMC clubs, as well as being a commissioner for the current A.S. President. Arreola said that her “main goal is for everyone to know your voice matters, your thoughts matter, and you deserve to be heard.”

Director of Student assistance

Seongmin (Cecilia) Jeong

Seongmin (Cecilia) Jeong is running unopposed for Director of Student Assistance. She is currently the Director of Publicity. After experiencing financial instability during the pandemic, she hopes to aid students in navigating and utilizing school resources. “There is immense power in a nurturing environment of equitably extended open opportunities,” Jeong said.

Director of student outreach

Forest McClendon

Forest McClendon is running for Director of Student Outreach. He is a photography and film major who hopes to bring new and exciting ideas to the A.S. board. “If elected, I will do all I can to help to bring in more benefits to our school and strengthen campus,” he said.

Le Thuy (Harley) Nguyen

Le Thuy (Harley) Nguyen is running for Director of Student Outreach. She is a second-year student who has been an ambassador for the Welcome Center, as well as been an event coordinator for other campus clubs. “My experience in publicity will also contribute to assisting A.S. publicity to promote the A.S. benefits to students,” Nguyen said.

Evan Vasquez-Gomez

Evan Vasquez-Gomez is running for Director of Student Outreach. She is an Ethnic Studies major and is a member of the Adelante club. She wants to help students be informed of the opportunities available for them at SMC that have helped her, and hopes to “achieve creating a safe and inclusive space where SMC students have strong access to resources and networks.”

Director of Activities

Phanphasa Parinyasrisawet

Phanphasa Parinyasrisawet is running for Director of Activities. She is an international student majoring in Business Administration, and wants to bring more diverse and interesting activities to SMC. “For me, college is about the experience and people who you are nurturing with throughout the journey,” she said.

Francis Yang

Francis Yang is running for Director of Activities. He is currently exploring his academic pathways at SMC, and hopes to host meaningful events that bring out the best in the student body. “I’d like to foster a wholesome and inclusive environment for students of all different cultures to socialize,” Yang said.

Student Trustee

Alexandra Schoch

Alexandra Schoch is running for Student Trustee. She is a Cognitive Science major who aims to “ensure that our united voice has real weight in the making of all decisions that impact students.” Currently, she is the A.S. Director of Sustainability, and believes that this position has provided her with an in-depth understanding of how the student government works.

Catalina Fuentes Aguirre

Catalina Fuentes Aguirre is running for Student Trustee. She is a Chemical Engineering major who seeks to advocate for the student body and “listen to the concerns of all my constituents and make sure the Board of Directors is aware of any issues concerning our student body.” Currently, she is the Chair of the Inter-Club Council.


A.S. Special Election Results


Changes to A.S. Constitution and By-Laws Proposed in Special Election