Photos: Santa Monica College gets Flooded by Heavy Rain
News, Top Stories, Local, MultimediaPhoto Editorcampus, flooding, On Campus, rainstorms, Santa Monica, Santa Monica College, smc
Dr. Nancy Grass takes on new role as Interim Dean of Student Life
NASA Selects SMC for Grant to Expand STEM Education
News, Online Exclusive, Localcorsairdesigncommunity college, grant, higher education, NASA, Santa Monica College, science, Science and Research Initiative, smc, STEM education, UCLA
Board of Trustees bids farewell to President Tsang
The nurturing of the beast: SMC professor recalls Zawahri as an elementary schooler
New student trustee Jonathan Eady enters the Board of Trustees
Pico Youth & Family Center Protests to Fight Possible Closure
Final meeting of school year for A.S. airs out internal conflicts
Associated Students, News, Top StoriesJuan LopezAssociated Student Board, Associated Students, brown act, civility, cunt, internal conflict, meeting, student leaders, synergy
High Achiever: Jonah Okike-Hephizbah on earning $40,000 Jack Kent Cooke scholarship
ICC Social marches on with subtle protest
Remembering the fallen for Memorial Day
SMC Interaction Design BA program slated for spring 2016 after clearing final state approvals
Final A.S. meeting for semester lasts record five hours for board
Local Palestinians hold "Nakba" demonstration on Wilshire
Accident on 17th leaves two hospitalized
Pan African Student Union celebrates Pan African Day
SMC Everywhere reaches to make connections
A.S. board approves "Shapeshifter" funding
Sixth annual Global Citizenship symposium stirs discussions on campus relations
Santa Monica Festival features music, food, and eco-friendly messages