Following the recent release of the graphic and disturbing video of Arbery’s killing, media outlets, celebrities, advocates for justice, as well as everyday people, were outraged, with some referring to his murder as, “the modern day lynching.” Thankfully the public outcry and activism made an impact because on Thursday night when the Georgia Bureau of Investigation helped in the arrests of the self-proclaimed vigalante father and son, George and Travis McMichael, for the murder of Arbery.
Read MoreOur Commander-in-Chief lied about him and his campaign’s proven collusion with Russia during their coordinated attack on America during the 2016 election. He lied about him and his administration’s obstruction during Robert Mueller’s investigation into that Russian attack on our American democracy.
Read MoreThe recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID19) can be stressful. Scrolling through emails and news updates on social media can cause an abundant amount of unnecessary noise, and it can be easy to get lost in what’s going on. Now is an important time to focus on self-care and ways to stay busy at home, while also leaving space for others to practice social distancing.
Read MoreEach time you leave your home, even if just to take a walk around your neighborhood, you should wear a mask, bandana, or some form of protective covering. Not just for your own safety, but for the safety of others.
Read MoreWhile the world is thrown into chaos, America is in crisis, and everyday citizens are affected by the Covid-19 virus in some way or another, celebrities have beamed onto our screens to tell us to “stay positive” and “we’re all in this together." But as they remind us to stay indoors and give us their personal opinions on the matter, many find their attention focused on something else entirely.
Read MoreCOVID-19 has escalated more and more over the last few weeks, with more than 500,000 cases in the US and 1.6 million cases worldwide. Everyone is told to stay at home and practice social distancing to avoid spreading the virus. As we are moving into the fourth week of quarantine, people are probably beginning to feel the effects of isolation on their mental health.
Read MoreAmerica left World War II as the undisputed leader of the world in promoting democratic values and freedom around the world, having turned the tide and delivering the knockout blow to the Nazis of Germany, the Fascists of Italy, and the Imperialists of Japan.
Read MoreFor many, myself included, the rapid development of the Coronavirus, COVID-19, has turned everyday life on its head. I’ve spent more hours on my couch in the past week than I would like to admit and it’s getting harder every day to remember what real pants feel like.
Read MoreCOVID-19 is now in over 100 countries, including China, South Korea, Japan, Italy and now the United States. COVID-19 has spread at a rapid pace in the U.S., causing cities around the country to enact emergency shutdowns and quarantines, leading to a domino effect on the supply and demand of basic household items.
Read MoreThe continuing progressions of how the country is handling the COVID-19 pandemic has California currently in a "Stay at Home" order, along with at least 30 other states. People are not to leave their homes unless they are doing an "essential" activity. These essential activities include, but are not limited to, allowing people to go to the grocery stores, pharmacies, restaurants (for pick-up only), and outdoor exercise, all while keeping a social distance of 6 feet apart.
Read MoreMany of us are in the same boat right now, having to adapt to the world of online classes.
For those of us who take our classes in person out of preference, this switch might seem stressful, or even have you debating if it’s better to drop your class and try again next semester. Before you make that call, here’s some tips that will better help you navigate this different structure.
Read MoreRummaging through my pantry this morning, I found a bag of borlotti (aka cranberry) beans, which I use in my family's recipe for pasta fagioli. Thinking I'd try something different, I found a delicious looking recipe online that married the beans with another of my favorite foods: polenta. I had all the ingredients except the polenta, so off to Ralph's I went.
Read More‘A woman’s place is in the home.’ This was a fundamental belief up until the 1920s that served as an obstacle for women to express their opinion and exercise other freedoms. Nevertheless, the 21st century still carries similar beliefs and expectations that diminish the value of women.
Read MoreWe live in a society that constantly tells people with fatter bodies that they don't deserve basic love and respect due to their weight. Many deny that fatphobia exists, even when it finds a way of showing itself everyday, especially with many people favoring skinnier bodies.
Read MoreThe first time I watched "Breakfast at Tiffany’s", I thought it was a bore apart from Audrey Hepburn's performance as Holly Golightly. And the cat. The second time I watched it, I got it.
Read MoreIn October 2019, a face mask ban was enacted by Hong Kong’s authorities without legislative approval, authorities in Hong Kong who reflect the interests of mainland China’s government. These emergency measures were designed to intimidate the pro-democracy activists demonstrating daily in the Hong Kong street in often violent clashes with riot police.
Read MoreImagine waking up to a world plagued by drought and engulfed in the flames of a never-ending wildfire. Where the warming of our world’s oceans has caused every coastal home and building to be enveloped by the sea. Species all over the world have been met with extinction, as Earth falls into chaos. All because of the hamburger you ate for lunch and the eggs you had for breakfast.
Read MoreHong Kong has been torn apart by violent anti-government protests. Clouds of tear gas are a common sight. Television crews and photographers record shopping centers where pro-democracy demonstrators clash with riot police.
Read MoreThe Corsair’s Multimedia Editor, Conner Savage, pens a farewell letter to the newspaper.
Read MoreIn February, LeBron James expressed his support for Colin Kaepernick by wearing a jacket with Kaepernick's number on it and spreading his message of fighting against the social injustice American minorities face. It was a small gesture but one that clearly pointed that James supports Kaepernick's cause. So it came as a shock when James criticized Houston Rockets General Manager, Daryl Morey, who did something similar by tweeting support for the Hong Kong protesters.
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