Posts in Opinion
Make ISIS Great Again: A Look at how President Trump's Abandonment of our Kurdish Allies is Leading to a Resurgence of ISIS

President Trump’s recent decision to pull all American forces out of northeast Syria hasn’t just abandoned our closest ally in the region, he has pumped new life into the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). A U.S. official recently told CNN’s Nick Paton Walsh that the campaign to defeat ISIS in Syria is “over for now,” saying ISIS “has a second lease on life with nearly 100,000 [fighters and their families] who will re-join their jihad.” ISIS has been made great again.

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The Limbo Between Life and Death

Let me start this by saying I hope this article will show some of you reading this that you are not alone.

I have, at a handful of points in my life, battled suicidal thoughts. In fact, I have almost committed suicide. It has been quite a while since I have had any of those thoughts, but having them in the first place is still something I don’t like to admit, even to myself. There are three times that I can vividly recall almost committing suicide and without going into detail, I can attribute my very rational fear of making that decision as the only reason I am here today. It truly is something else when you feel there is no hope, and as far as you can see there is no way out.

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A Life-Changing Pledge to an Ethical Wardrobe

My wardrobe was killing people.

Caught in the rat race of mass consumption and swayed by cradle-to-grave marketing campaigns, I filled my closet with fashion brands with questionable labor practices. Countless news reports showed how child labor, extremely low wages, and dangerous working conditions were the fuel to the global fast fashion machine; but, honestly, I felt overwhelmed by it all. I was just a community college student with journalistic aspirations confined to a barely-read blog.

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Of Cults and Culture

The word “cult” is like the word “love”; both have been overused to the point of senselessness. Everyday, people say they “love” things that they certainly wouldn’t marry or die for. Pop culture elements that tout a dedicated group of fans are quickly dubbed as a “cult” following, though the fans likely wouldn’t drink poisoned Flavor-Aid to show their devotion to, say, Rocky Horror Picture Show. To be fair, with Rocky Horror fans, you never know.

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The Tech Giant (Maybe) Monopoly

By legal definition, Facebook and Alphabet are not monopolies. Facebook doesn't have a stranglehold on online communication, as there are other ways of connecting to others through sites or apps like Discord, Twitter, or even Snapchat. Google is the most dominant search engine in the world but there are others like Bing, DuckDuckGo, and Yahoo. Facebook and Google aren't the only options in their respective industries, but while they aren't technically monopolies, this doesn't stop them from engaging in monopolistic behavior.

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Walk, Don’t Drive

We live in one of the most accessible cities in the United States. Across all of Los Angeles, there are numerous commute options to get to school, work, or just to try a new coffee space. But with the celebrity name, L.A., comes the celebrity rumor, L.A. traffic. With so many options to choose for transportation, much of our community still decides to drive everywhere.

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The Judgement of the Joker

When one goes to the movie theater to see the new “Joker” movie, it's no surprise to see a couple police officers guarding the perimeter of the cinema. Although some theaters nowadays will usually check bags before people come in, extra precautions are being put in place with this new contentious movie. Controversy sparks from the violence portrayed, and has caused paranoia that this in turn will give people the idea that they, too, should create violence in the real world.

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China threatened by massive Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrations

In Hong Kong, pro-democracy camp's protest marches have filled the streets for over one hundred days. The often violent clashes between Hong Kong citizens and riot police cracking down on protesters is a thorn in the side of Beijing. The authoritarian regime on the mainland desires to display the face of calm unity in its celebration of the 70th anniversary of the declaration of the People's Republic of China (PRC) on Oct. 1.

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Walmart Isn't Waiting for Gun Control

One would think with all the shoddy work the Trump Administration has done and with all the ridicule they've received, there would be no more new ways to mock them. Then Walmart comes in to enact gun control measures in their stores after two major shootings affected their branches. Meanwhile, the U.S sits at around 300 mass shootings with no major solutions, according to the Gun Violence Archive website.

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One Semester as a Digital Nomad

Digital nomads are people who can work from anywhere, using technology to perform their jobs. This career path is becoming more popular and more common. The job market is changing as more companies switch to online platforms. As such, college students should take at least one semester of online classes to prepare themselves for the benefits and challenges of a remote job.

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Fallout of the G-7

It is now the end of 2019’s long and arduous political Summer. The G-7 has come and gone, having met in Biarritz, France earlier this week, and the nation’s that constitute it are no closer to effectively dealing with many of the myriad issues facing the democratic world than they were before. With the United States continuing to oppose any involvement in climate change meetings, and the United Kingdom on the brink of a “no-deal” Brexit, tensions were high.

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A Summer of Sobering Up

This summer was the first summer in four years that I spent mostly drug and alcohol free, and it truly changed me for the better. For a little bit of context, I have struggled with drug and alcohol abuse since my freshman year of high school… But this summer was when I decided to stop using drugs and alcohol as a coping mechanism, my only coping mechanism.

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A Letter to Those Older

I am not a confrontational person. I do, however, enjoy debate and sharing ideas, arguing about views of life, and dissecting what behavior is moral and what isn’t. People around my age generally agree with me on most things, particularly politics. Thus, I seek people older than I, who will challenge me in my thinking, resulting in a discourse more fruitful because we will disagree.

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